Application For Not Attending Class – 7+ Different Format

You will benefit much from today’s article since it will discuss the structure for the application for a leave of absence from class and provide further application examples.

Application For Not Attending Class


   The Principal,

    [ Name of your school]

    [Address of your school]

Date : DD /MM/ YYYY

Subject: Application for absence

Respected sir / madam

          I attend your school and learn under (your Name). I was absent from form __/__/___ to __/__/_____ because I was suffering from a fever and was unable to attend school. My condition became so bad that I had to check myself into a hospital. I spent three days in the hospital, but thank God, I’m doing well today. My medical records are connected to my application; you may review them to confirm this.

Thus, I sincerely ask that you grant my _______ days of absence and let me attend class.

   Thanking you

Your faithfully

Your Name



Application For Not Attending Class Due To Illness

   The Principal,

    [ Name of your school]

   [ Address of your school]

Date : DD /MM/ YYYY

Sub:Application For Not Attending Class Due To Illness.

Respected Sir/Madam

              With all due respect, I would want to let you know that I am [Your Name], a 9th grade student. Since yesterday night, I have had a high [ Mention the Illness, e.g., fever]. My father is taking me to the doctor today to have checked out. I must take a two-day break from school because of this. Please give me two days off from school. I’ll be appreciative of you.

   Thanking you !

Your faithfully

Your Name



Application For Not Attending Class Due To Fever.

The Principal,

    [ Name of your school]

   [ Address of your school]

Date : DD /MM/ YYYY

Sub:Application For Not Attending Class Due To Illness.

Respected Sir/Madam.

esteem you, Sir/Madam. With all due respect. I must admit that I have had a fever since yesterday night. I thus can’t attend school.

Okay. I respectfully ask that you please give me a day off on (date of leave).

I’m really grateful!

Your faithfully

Your Name



Application For Not Attending Class to Out of Station


The Principal,

    [ Name of your school]

   [ Address of your school]

Date : DD /MM/ YYYY

Sub- Leave for going out of Station 

Respected Sir/Madam

With all due respect, allow me to introduce myself as a student in your school’s class (name your class). My family and I will be visiting (Visiting Place Name) on the specified day (Mention day). I am unable to attend school from (date) to (date) as a result.

As a result, I humbly ask that you grant me permission to take a few days off.

Thanking you !

Your faithfully

Your Name



Atm Card Gum Hone Ki Application In English

Application For Not Attending Class Due To Family Problems


The Principal

Delhi Public School

New Delhi

Date – 14 December 2022

Subject Leave Application for Mother Illness.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would want to let you know that my mother has been sick for the last two weeks, and that nobody is available to care for her at this time. As a result, I am requesting that you give me permission to take care of my mother from December 13, 2023, until December 20, 2023.

Thanking you!

Yours Sincerly



Roll no


Application For Going Home From Hostel – 5+ 

Application For Not Attending Class ato health issues 


The Principal 

School XYZ 


Subject: Application for Fever

Dear Sir/Mam,

that, with all due respect, I must confess that I have been experiencing fond since yesterday night. I thus can’t make it to class. Please give me two days off, from October 20, 2023 to October 22, 2023. I’m grateful.

Thanking you!

Yours Sincerly



Roll no


Leave Application For Not Attending Class


The Principal 

(Your School Name) 

(Your School Address) 


Subject: Application for leave of absence

Respected Sir,

That, I beg most sincerely to state. I am (Insert Name Here). Student of the Day (Name Your Class) at your institution I am unable to attend school for one day because I have a fever.

Please give me K leave on (Insert Date of Leave). I shall be grateful for your consideration.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently, 

(Your Name)

 (Class & Section) 

(Roll Number).

Application For Not Attending Class in College 


The Principal 

(Your college Name) 

(Your college address) 

Subject: Application for Permission to Attend Classes.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I humbly present myself as Polash Ray, the class-X Kumari Mina Ray’s guardian. I would want to inform you that I was unable to send in the remaining fees before the deadline. I am granting my daughter permission to attend school, with the understanding that she must pay the whole amount owing by the specified date.

Please grant me permission to attend lessons so that my kid may continue her education.

Thank You

Guardian name –



Application For Not Attending Class yesterday


The Principal 

(Your School Name) 

(Your School Address) 

Subject. Leave for yesterday absent 


With utmost respect, I would like to declare that I am a student in class ___. Yesterday, I missed class because

As a result, I kindly ask that you grant me permission to take yesterday’s absence and to attend class.

I would be very grateful and indebted to you.


yours Obedient


Class & Roll no

Application For Not Attending Class in Hindi 

सेवा में, 

श्री मान प्रधानाचार्य 

ए. पी. एस. पब्लिक स्कूल 


विषय :- २ दिन अवकाश हेतु प्रार्थना पत्र

महोदय ‘सविनय निवेदन है कि मैं आपके विद्यालय के मुझे कक्षा 7 वीं का छात्र हूँ। अुखार आ गय��� है। मिसके ���ारण मैं स्कूल नही आ सकता हूँ। अतः आपस कि मुझे दिनांक 15/03/2022 से 17/03/2022 तक छुट्टी प्रदान करने कृपा करेंक


आपका आज्ञाकारी 



Satyam Raj ,an adept engineering student, showcases a remarkable proficiency in blogging cultivated over two years. Merging technical acumen from his studies with creative flair, he consistently produces engaging and informative content. His commitment to both academics and blogging reflects a dedication to continuous learning and sharing valuable insights with a broad audience.

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